Dofollow Link vs Nofollow Link Quick Comparison

Dofollow Nofollow Backlink

What is Dofollow Link?

There is no such a thing as a dofollow link, dofollow link is just a name used for a link that doesn't have rel='nofollow' link on it. But to make it easier to remember people called it dofollow or follow link. Basically by making a link dofollow it will tell google that the site pointed by the link is a trustworthy one, and this will help that site to get some pagerank point from google. 
If it is really hard to understand, think that each page or website is a city. Now think of dofollow link as a known road, with direction and some stuff. More trader will go by using that road because it is much safer instead of using other unknown road, or in this context nofollow link. This trader 'Google Robot' will bring some goods from the city to the other city beyond the known road. The more goods come to the city the richer the city will be, and that is what happen in website to, the more dofollow link that they get from a good quality website the better the site pagerank will be. 

What is Nofollow Link

Just as what I said above, nofollow link is just like an unknown road, no trader will want to use that road. So they won't bring their goods to the other city that lies beyond the world. So the point is nofollow link or should I say link with rel='nofollow' will not transfer any pagerank to the other website.

Dofollow = Spam

When a lot of people started to realize how important pagerank is and the only way for them to get pagerank is by getting a dofollow backlink from a good quality website. Many people started to spam a lot of comment with their links included in it, the good quality forum was flooded and it also affect wikipedia. This spammy comment will only give disadvantages to the website webmaster, and so google decided that they should have implemented nofollow link. So people would not just spam all their comment in a website.

Does nofollow link give any effect in blogging?

Just as what I stated above, nofollow link will not transfer you any pagerank juice, but still when a visitor see that link, and with a good optimized anchor text, people might be interested to check on the website it is linked to. This will give some visitor boost to the website

When should I use dofollow and nofollow

Dofollow link is very good if you use it to link it to other content that you have, for example internal linking, this will give some good effect to the blog pagerank, you may also give dofollow link to some tursted webiste, but there is no real advantages of doing that.
Nofollow link should be used in the comment section just to keep it tidy and free of spam comments. By implementing nofollow link in the comment section there less people will want to comment on your site, but every comment that come will be a good quality one

How to Determine a Link is Nofollow or Dofollow

One of the easiest way to determine if a link is nofollow or dofollow is by using a simple add ons
NoDofollow ( Highlight nofollow link )
Nofollow Simple ( Give red boxes around nofollow link )


I think dofollow link is better than nofollow link for SEO :)


Yes dofollow link is sure better because it give you page rank juice


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