Tips to Learn Language from Gaming

Learng Language Gaming
Many people who are still ignorant about gaming think that gaming is just a waste of time and doesn't give us anything. Well some of what they said are actually true, but some of it are wrong too. Many people learn so much thing from gaming, for example, I never liked english when in elementary school but my parents introduced me to gaming and now I can write a blog post like this, and it doesn't apply to english only it applies to every language that you want to learn. So here see our tips to learn language from gaming.

1. Choose the right game

The first thing that you want to do is choosing the right game, if you want to learn some german choose a game that includes german languages on it, and for me it will be better if you learn language from RPG games or an adventure one. Because the story is actually quite depth and there are a lot of word for you to learn. If you are still new make sure to use your native language as an audio and the language that you want to learn as a subtitle or vice versa so you can compare the language and learn it without grabbing a dictionaries

2. Don't press the escape key

Some people could really get impatient in the cutscene part especially if they don't understand the language that is being said. They will just skip the cutscene because they don't understand anything that the character had said. You need to avoid this, listen to everything that they said. This will improve your vocabulary and your thinking capabilities, like if you only know some word of a sentence you could think the rest of the sentence by watching the cutscene, for example in a fighting cutscene and a character said "Use your ... " you don't understand the " ... " you can see that the ... is either a sword or axe or whatever, it is impossible if the "..." turns out to be cupcakes. It is hard for me to say it in a post like this better if you practice it yourself

3. Read every single thing in the game

Everytime I go to supermarket I always read the back of the product and read the description, ingredient well all of it, many people think that it is really weird but it actually helps me to increase my vocabularies. Yes this is what I mean read every single thing in the game, bring a dictionaries if you need it. For example is The Elder Scroll V Skyrim where there are plenty of book to read for. Just read all of it, not just increasing your vocabularies it will also make you learn the structure of the language that you wanted to learn, like where do I put the verb and so on. 

4. Don't give up

Giving up is really bad for you, it will just like wasting your time for something that you can't achieve, especially if you already spent a lot of hardwork to study a new language and you give up just because you stuck on something, the best thing to do if you stuck on something is relax and just go through it smoothly don't stress your brain. It is much better to do this than giving up and forgetting all the thing that you have learn before

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