4 Ways to Make Smartphone Battery Last Longer

4 Ways to Make Smartphone Battery Last Longer
Smartphone is your little companion, helping you to find a place when you were lost, give you some recommendation about almost everything that exist on earth. But still some people forget the fact that you need to take care your smartphone so that...

Achieve Cross Browser Support When Using Custom Font

Achieve Cross Browser Support When Using Custom Font
Blogger has some nice font that you can choose from, but after sometimes you might feel the old fonts from blogger are really lame and you wanted to change them to the new one. Changing a custom font is easy but make it compatible with most browser...

How to Enable Google Plus Comment in Blogger

How to Enable Google Plus Comment in Blogger
Google has launched their social media platform in 2011, which they called Google Plus. At first Google Plus doesn't really attract a lot of user, because most of the people already use facebook back then. But Google tried hard so that their social media...

Improve Seo by Adding Meta Description to Blogger

Improve Seo by Adding Meta Description to Blogger
Hello world today I proud to announce a new category for this blog that involve all around blogging by using blogger platform. Today as the first post in our new category I will post how you Improve Seo by Adding Meta Description to Blogger. Although...
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